Course Content
Introduction to IoT
What is Internet of Things
Why do we need IoT
Benefits of IoT
Trends Driving IoT
Markets Driven by IoT
Challenges of IoT
IoT Features
IoT Architecture
Cloud Computing Vs Edge Computing
FOG Computing in IoT
IoT Taxonomy
IoT Operating system
Why AI +IoT ?
What is Thingspeak
What is AWS IoT
What is Microsoft IoT Azure
Choosing Right Embedded Processor for IoT and Communication Protocols
Basic Features of DSPs
Why do we need DSP processors?
Diff between PLA, PAL,PLD, CPLD and FPGA
CPLD Architecture
FPGA Architecture
FPGA Technologies
When to use DSP in FPGA
Traditional Embedded System Design Using DSP
Configurable system on ChipCSoC
Multicore Processor -SoC
How FPGA Is Different From ASICs
Cryptographic Enabled Processors
Processor selection Criteria
Top 8 IoT Communication Protocols
Bluetooth & BLE
MQTT- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
AMQP-Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
LWM2M- Lightweight M2M
CoAP- Constrained Application
Communication Protocols
Introduction to ESP32 and NodeMCU
What is Node MCU, ESP32, ESP32CAM
Features of Node MCU, ESP32, ESP32CAM
UART, SPI, IIC –How it works
IoT Applications
Sensors for IoT
IoT Solutions for Agriculture
IoT Solutions for Industry 4.0
IoT Solutions for Smart Environment
IoT Solutions for Medical
IoT Solution for Smart Tracking
Industrial Grade-Temperature and Humidity
Transmitter Modbus SHT20 Sensor XY-MD02
Infrared Temperature sensor
Industrial Grade Analog PH Sensors
DSM501A PM2.5 Dust Sensor
SHT10 Soil Temperature and Humidity
Soil Moisture Meter, Soil Humidity Sensor, Water Sensor, Soil Hygrometer
Wind Speed Sensor Voltage Type(0-5V)
Anemometer Kit (Waterproof & Industrial)
Flow sensor
XKC-Y25 PNP Intelligent NonContact Water Level Senso
Pulse Sensor
Gas Sensor
SGP40 Air Quality Sensor
Distance sensor
PIR Sensor
Light/color sensor
Sound sensor
Vibration and Tilt sensor
Pressure sensor
Load cells
Flex sensor
Force sensor
Current Sensor
Voltage sensor
Hall Effect sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Proximity sensor
Rotary Encoder
RFID Cards and Tags
Medical Sensors
Blood pressure
Pulse oximeter
Biometric sensors
IoT Using ThingSpeak
Sending data to ThingSpeak – Weather Monitoring System
How to test the ESP32 Board
Installing ESP32 Add-on in Arduino IDE
Testing the Installation
Troubleshooting -tips
Programming DHT22
Schematic Diagram
Library required
Programming Thingspeak
Installing the ThingSpeak Library
Create an Account
Home Page
Create fields
Channel Created
Create a template
How to Analyze IoT Data in ThingSpeak
Integrating DHT22 and Thingspeak
Read and Write API Keys
Demo: Visualizing data on Thingspeak
Deploying Machine Learning Model on the Cloud
What is Neural network
Brain Vs Neural Network
Single layer Neural Network
Multilayer Neural network
Deep neural networks
Supervised Learning
Stochastic gradient descent Method
Batch method
Mini Batch method
Neural Network vs Machine Learning
Neural Network Architecture
Demo: Iris Flower Classification
ThingSpeak for IoT in Agriculture
Applications for Agriculture
IoT Sensors for Agriculture
PIN out for Soil Moisture Sensor
PIN out for DHT11
Mains Voltage Connections
Circuit Connection for relay
Circuit Connection for soil Moisture sensor
Schematic Diagram
Plant Watering System with Soil Moisture sensor and ESP32
Smart Humidity Sensor – ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and IFTTT
HTTP GET Request Method
Arduino_JSON Library
Why Use JSON?
JSON Syntax Rules
JSON Data Types
JSON Strings, Numbers, Objects
JSON Arrays, Boolean, null
Using OpenWeatherMap API
HTTP Get Request function
Decoding JSON
What is a Webhook
Create Thingspeak Channel and Code
Demo: Smart Humidity Sensor with Thingspeak and IFTTT
Introduction to IoT with Azure
What is Azure Internet of Things (IoT)?
Core Subsystems of Microsoft Azure
All subsystems –Lambda Architecture
All subsystems –Cross cutting needs
Conceptual representation of device connectivity
Data Flow and Stream Processing
Recommended data flow for Lamda Architecture
Technology Options
Stateless Stream Processing
Stateful Stream Processing
What is Azure IoT Hub
What is Azure IoT Central
Difference between Azure IoT Hub and Central
Solutions and Service
How to create your application.
How to connect your devices to your application.
How to integrate your application with other services.
How to administer your application.
The typical user roles associated with a project.
Pricing options.
How to turn your smartphone into an IoT device
Implementing IoT with Azure
Install ESP32 in the Board Manager
Library required
Install Azure IoT Hub (Library)
Schematic Diagram
Demo: Sending Humidity and Temperature data to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
Sending Data to Cloud
Microsoft IoT Services and Patterns
Create an IoT hub using the Azure portal
Register a new device in the IoT hub
What is a Consumer Group
Add a consumer group to your IoT hub
What is Azure Stream Analytics
How does it work
Create, configure, and run a Stream Analytics job
Create a Stream Analytics job
Add an input to the Stream Analytics job
Configure the query of the Stream Analytics job
Run the Stream Analytics job
What is Power BI?
Create and publish a Power BI report to visualize the data
Clean-up resources
What is Azure CLI?
Demo: Weather Monitoring System Using Azure and Arduino
Home Automation Using Google Assistant
ESP32 Pin Details
How Blynk works
When to use Blynk
What is an IFTTT
Project Overview
Creating IFTT Account
Creating an Applet
Testing Applet
Publishing sensor readings to an Excel sheet and Generating an alert
Industrial IoT Using LoRa and WiFi (Windmill Case Study)
Features of LoRA
Pinout of FT232
LORA Frequency Bands
LoRA End Device/Node
LoRA Chipset
LoRa Modules
How to Transmit data
Lora Programming Libraries for Microcontroller
LoRaWAN : What is it?
LoRaWAN Modules
LoRaWAN Module: Common Architecture
Real-Time Video Surveillance Using ESP32CAM and Blynk App
Predictive Maintenance of a Duct Fan using NodeMCU, ThingSpeak, and Matlab
What Is Predictive Maintenance?
Maintenance Strategies
Getting Started with Predictive Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance Workflow
Acquire Data
Preprocess Data
Identify Condition Indicators
Train the Model
Deploy and Integrate
Introduction to AWS IoT, Setting up Free Tier AWS, AWS CLI, Security Credentials, and Testing
AWS Architecture: How it Works
How it Works
LG –Smart Home
AWS Free Tier and Configuring the CLI
Installing AWS CLI
AWS IOT actions and Core related services
Introducing IAM Policies and Roles
Creating Security credential and Composing an Iot Policy from AWS IoT Core
Sending JSON test PAYLOADS from the AWSCLI and IoT Core Console
Download the MQTT FX.TEST TOOL
Using the MQTT.FX TOOL to test our MQTT Connection and Send data to AWS Cloud
Choose Iot Core in AWS IoT
Create a simple Thing
Configure device certificate
Create a Policy
Download Certificates
Subscribe to the topic
SNS Push Notifications, AWS IoT Analytics
What is Amazon Simple Notification Service
Benefits and features
How it works
How to use AWS IoT Analytics
High-Level AWS IoT Analytics Architecture
Getting Started with AWS IoT Analytics
Sign in to the AWS IoT Analytics console
Create a channel
Create a data store
Create a pipeline
Create a dataset
Send message data with AWS IoT
Check the progress of AWS IoT messages
Access query results
Explore your data
Notebook templates
AWS Lambda Functions for IoT
Why we need AWS Lamda
What is AWS Lamda
Where is AWS Lamda used
Companies using AWS Lamda
Storing data into the Dynamo Database from the AWS IoT Control Panel
What is Amazon DynamoDB
Fundamental Components of DynamoDB
Why DynamoDB
DynamoDB Vs Other DB Services
Amazon Dynamo DB Benefits
Setting Up DynamoDB
Accessing DynamoDB
Getting Started with DynamoDB
Working with Tables, Items, Queries, Scans, and Indexes
Mongoose OS on Embedded Devices for AWS IoT
What is Mongoose OS
Supported Hardware Platforms
Supported Cloud Platforms
AWS Device Shadows and Multiple Pub/Subs
AWS IoT Device Shadow Service
What is Device Shadow
How does AWS Shadow Work
What is Mongoose OS
Supported Hardware Platforms
Supported Cloud Platforms
AWS Device Shadows and Multiple Pub/Subs
AWS IoT Device Shadow Service
What is Device Shadow
How does AWS Shadow Work
Know your Instructor

Live Sessions (Hindi/English)
Duration 1 month
1 Hour Everyday
Next Batch 15th February – 15th March
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM